Eating bugs

11 May

Ned’s always been a good eater, ever since he was tiny, he used to lunge at whatever we were eating and shove it in his mouth.  So it wasn’t a huge surprise when he developed a taste for insects aged about four.  Selfridges started selling candied scorpions and the like, and I bought one thinking the children would all run screaming, but Ned just looked fascinated and asked if he could try it.  He pronounced it crunchy and polished the whole thing off, sting and all.

Ever since, he’s talked about eating insects and a browse through a book about creepy crawlies is inevitably accompanied by the question, is it edible.  We knew that a trip to Northern Thailand would have to involve some insect eating, as this is one of the few places in the world where bugs are a prized foodstuff.  We’ve tried fried crickets, bee larvae omelette and bamboo worm, all of which were actually really nice.  I promise.


This post was written for Wanderfood Wednesday.  For other, slightly more conventional, travel food ideas, head on over…

4 Responses to “Eating bugs”

  1. TheMadHouse 11/05/2011 at 4:27 pm #

    Oh my, I am not sure I am strong enough to give it a go, but N and D will be hero’s when they do go back to school

  2. Marina K. Villatoro 11/05/2011 at 7:47 pm #

    Wow, your kids are courageous! I can barely get my son to try a hot dog in a different country!

    Actually, they are better than me. I don’t think I could do it either 🙂

  3. Wanderluster 11/05/2011 at 8:31 pm #

    You have a brave little guy!

  4. mum of all trades 11/05/2011 at 10:30 pm #

    I just showed this picture to my sons, they are in awe!

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