Life’s too short to eat bad ice cream

15 Jul

Oddono's ice cream

Come Outside with Auntie Mabel (or Nurse Gladys Emmanuel) and Pippin the dog, has always been my favourite CBeebies programme. I like it when they hop in the spotty plane to go and find out how wellies/bread/pencils are made. So it stands to reason, that when I found an ice cream shop where you could see the ice cream being made, it would become one of my favourite places to go. We get the 49 bus there, not a spotty plane, it’s better for the environment.

Oddono’s is not just any old ice cream shop, it’s one of the finest in the UK, using only the best ingredients and supplying their product to discerning shops like Selfridges.  Their shop is a handy five minute walk from the South Kensington Museums, and has a window to watch what’s going on in the kitchen as you eat your ice cream.

On this visit, the boys chose dark chocolate and baccio (milk chocolateDSC_0554 with hazelnuts) and took their pews by the kitchen window.  They watched a bucketfull of vanilla ice cream being made from milk poured from a large vat and vanilla seeds scraped from a bundle of sticky Madagascan pods .  Other delicious flavours made at Oddono’s include award winning Piedmont hazelnut, basil, cinnamon, passionfruit sorbet and chilli ice cream.  The boys enjoyed their ice creams, most of which made it into their mouths.

DSC_0558Episodes of Come Outside usually end with Pippin stealing some food she shouldn’t.  She’d approve of Oddono’s ice cream, it’s absolutely yummy.

This post is part of Wanderfood Wednesday.  For more travel food stories, head here.

8 Responses to “Life’s too short to eat bad ice cream”

  1. English Mum 15/07/2009 at 11:20 am #

    Blimey is she still going? Used to watch that with my two and my youngest is 11! That ice cream looks fabulous. Every time we’re shopping I turn into a whingeing banshee and start pointing at labels every time they come rushing to me clutching soft scoop. Ice cream is made of eggs, cream and sugar, not ‘hydrogenated vegetable fat and milk solids’ or something…

  2. itsasmallworldafterallfamily 15/07/2009 at 11:30 am #

    I think they might be repeating it as I’ve seen every episode many many times. Our children are very undiscerning too, they love the good stuff, but are just as excited about knobbly bobblies, which I’m pretty sure don’t contain a single natural ingredient.

  3. Milla 15/07/2009 at 1:52 pm #

    I used to love Pippin and, as you say, the factories. Just charming. This sounds a brilliant place to visit, next time in London will trot along – do you just turn up??

  4. Wanderluster 15/07/2009 at 3:35 pm #

    This makes me long to be in the UK right about now. Great photos and story – thanks for sharing!

  5. jessie voigts 15/07/2009 at 3:52 pm #

    YUM. i think i might have to make a trip across the pond! i LOVE ice cream.

  6. Dancinfairy 16/07/2009 at 4:18 pm #

    Every blog entry I read today is about food! That ice cream looks yummy.

  7. Brit in Bosnia 16/07/2009 at 7:43 pm #

    That Ice Cream looks amazing. Have you ever tried the George and Danvers chain in Oxford. Also amazing.

    Incidentally, and a bit bizarrely, the ice cream in Bosnia is FANTASTIC. Really amazing. Still dreaming of the lemon ice cream I chomped through earlier!

    • itsasmallworldafterallfamily 16/07/2009 at 7:53 pm #

      I love G&D in Oxford and even have a keyring from there! Having good ice cream must partly make up for the lack of toddler groups. It would cheer me up!

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