Tag Archives: hotel

Jet lag sucks

5 Nov

So what do you do what you are all awake at 5am in a hotel room, because your bodies think it’s lunchtime?*

– lie quietly and say shush a lot

– plug into iPods to listen to the BFG, Famous Five and Thomas the Tank Engine (thank you Granny)

– put on shades and perform a made up rap in the dark

– get bored and start punching each other

– give in and put the TV on, the Disney channel is just as terrible in America

– wrestle on the floor

– play Ninjas, which involves leaping from bed to bed in a dangerous manner

– say calm down and play nicely a lot

– drink coffee

– eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

– play with plasticine and assorted small toys

– watch some more TV

– count down the minutes until the hotel shop opens at 7am

– race to shop to choose entirely additive free breakfast cereal *cough*

– eat said cereal

– resume Ninja game

– get dressed

– visit hotel laundry in basement to put a wash on.  A bargain at $1.25.

– roam around hotel grounds saying shush, people are still sleeping

– write postcards

– visit hotel reception to collect leaflets for places we’re not going to visit

– do a maths worksheet

– go swimming, you’ll get the pool all to yourselves

– get changed and ready for the day

– arrive at Disneyland before it opens.

*I should point out that not all of these activities are undertaken by all members of the family.